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When you’re looking for a home loan, you could go to a finance broker or to a bank. While a bank will only offer you its own products, a credit adviser is an industry expert who will take the guesswork out of finding the mortgage product that suits you and your needs.

It’s easy to understand why we look for the largest, most prestigious properties we can afford – we are constantly urged to define our success by our possessions: bigger, better, newer, faster, shinier. However, a relatively recent countermovement urges lower impact, fewer goods and less consumption, and at its core nestles the tiny house.

Late payments and loan defaults leave marks on a credit history that can complicate any effort to refinance or secure a loan in the future. Default can also lead to a home being repossessed and sold by the lender, so it’s very important to act quickly to avoid it.

When selling one property and purchasing another, the funds from the sale may not be available in time to use for the purchase deposit. There are typically two options in this scenario: a bridging loan and a deposit bond.

Reducing the life of your loan isn’t difficult; there are many simple things you can do to cut years off your mortgage. Here are some tips that will help you be mortgage-free sooner than planned.

A line of credit can be a very appealing idea, with immediate access to the limit of a mortgage and no extra approvals necessary. Used wisely, it can make investment and purchase of commercial equipment simple, but it can also spell disaster for the unprepared.


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